Clapotis 2024
Blogtober Day 2 If you were in the knitting sphere back in the early 2000s-2004, to be exact—you probably knit a Clapotis by Kate Gilbert. This pattern went viral before virality was a thing. You couldn’t open a knitting blog without seeing one posted. Keep in mind that this was pre-Ravelry and was brought to us by the amazing Knitty magazine. I’ve knit two over the years and will cast on again this weekend. I am looking forward to it! More than likely, I will be using Miss Babs Yarn in Yowza, one of my favorite yarns for wraps. I have a skein in the stash, but I will probably order a new skein…
Tap….tap…tap…. is this thing on?
Recipe for Second Chances–a quick review
Super cute, fun, and light read. Stella and Samuel met in college while not in the right space for a relationship. A few years later, they meet again at a destination wedding in Italy for mutual friends. As predicted, they…
This summer has flown by! I had four weeks off in June, but one of those weeks, I was in Louisville for the National TSA Conference, which was my first time at a conference without a chapter. It was very…
A year of Diptychs…so far
This year I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a weekly challenge on Instagram. I figured it would be good for my creativity. For the most part, I’ve shot during the week specifically to make a…
I never watched the original Sex and the City. Several reasons, the main one being that when they were originally, on, I didn’t have HBO. Heck, we barely had cable. The second reason was that I was a twenty-six-year-old mom…
Happy New Year I’ve been knitting!
Happy New Year! I know we say this every year, but I can’t believe that the last year flew by. I had lots of personal changes, all good in 2022, which is definitely an improvement from the previous three years.…
Hurricane Ian, the aftermath
I don’t know where to begin. Relief that Ian didn’t hit directly as first thought and despair that it slammed into the coast about an hour and a half south of us as a Category 4 hurricane. I saw someone…
Hurricane Ian
Not going to lie, this one is giving me lots of stress and anxiety.
As part of my new job with the school district, I get to see all aspects of our Career and Technical education departments. One of the things that I am looking forward to is learning about all of the Career…
Project 365 Month 1
I managed to complete an entire month of my Project 365! Can I make it through month two?!