Anna Maria Island, Florida
I live twenty minutes away from some of the most beautiful beaches in Florida, and sadly I don’t get out there as much as I should. Oh, the excuses are there..”I don’t have time”, “I don’t want to fight traffic.”…
Champagne’s Swamp Tours, Road Trip Day 4.
We decided that our swamp tour would be the last thing on our scheduled trip through South Louisiana and after looking a brochures and looking at Yelp and TripAdvisor, we settled on Champagne’s Swamp Tours in Breaux Bridge.…
Louisiana Road Trip Day 3.
We headed out of New Orleans on Friday, but before we left, I snapped this guy jamming out and DJing his own concert. He was having a great time! Headed out of the city, you can see the Super Dome…
NOLA, Day 2 Part 3
One of the things that New Orleans is known for is music. Music can be found at any time of the day around the city. If you want to listen to great music, just walk around the French Quarter and…
NOLA Day 2, part 2
According to my heath app on my phone, we walked over 5 miles this day. It probably would have been more, but we took that two hour bus tour that you saw in the previous post.Here are some sites from…