Louisiana,  New Orleans,  Road Trip

Nola Day 2 Part 1.

Day 2 in Nola was really our only full day in the city,so we made the most of it. I think we walked over five miles that day, but we had so much fun.

(This is part 1 of 3)

Of course, if you are in New Orleans, you absolutely cannot skip Cafe Du Monde. Period.  We started the day with beignets and coffee.  Mom ordered hers without the powdered sugar and Amy and I got ours with light sugar. Take a look at the second photo…that’s ‘light’ powered sugar. Mom and I tried their frozen coffee because it was already hot at 8am, but Amy stuck with traditional black coffee.

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After our breakfast, we walked around the French Quarter. I think this might be my favorite part of the day. The Quarter is quiet, the streets are clean and the sun is coming up over the River. I can see why this place has such an allure.

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The rest of the morning was spent on the Hop On, Hop Off Bus. This two hour tour through New Orleans is a great way to see the city and the ticket is good for three days.

IMG_0386 IMG_0387Top of the bus (the majority of the top is covered in a canopy to sheild you from the sun. The right photo is at the Basin Street Station. It was a the station that we got a random downpour. It rained for about ten minutes, then it moved on. It was fun!

IMG_0388 Canvas inside the Basin Street Station. I loved this because it shows positive affirmations about the city.



IMG_0390 Me on top of the bus. I bought a hat the Basin Street Station because like an idiot, I left mine in Florida.


IMG_0394 IMG_0396 IMG_0401Sites from the bus.

IMG_0404 This former coal plant is used as locations in movies, most recently in Chappie, and the newest Planet of the Apes movie. It also appears in NCIS: New Orleans.




The trees in The Garden District are decorated with Mardi Gras beads.





2015-06-18_0003Top R, Joan of Arc statue, Armstrong Park

Middle right, The Treme, The Super Dome

Bottom Right: McDonogh 16, Champions Square

2015-06-18_00042015-06-18_0006Blaine Kern Mardi Gras Studios 

2015-06-18_0007Random sites around the city.


2015-06-18_0012Stylish pup in the French Quarter and an old bookshop.

2015-06-18_0002 This is the interior of the St. Louis Cathedral. It was so incredibily beautiful and peaceful. It’s a nice, calming respite in the middle of what can be a chaotic French Quarter.


We did so much in one day that it is hard to put it all in one blog post. Day two of our great South Louisiana adventure will continue in the next post.



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