Crafting,  Journaling

A Night with Amy Tangerine

Let’s get this out of the way. I am a MAJOR fan of Amy Tan of Amy Tangerine fame.  I love her spirit, her quirkiness and her ability to make me want to get out of my rut and craft something. When I heard that she was going to be at Whim So Doodle in St. Pete, I jumped on the phone and made a reservation for her Scripting with Watercolor class.  I had missed her last year when she was in town, and I wasn’t going to miss her this time.  I have been watching Amy write with watercolors and a waterbrush for a while now and I was intrigued as to how she made it look so…not like a two year did it…which is how mine looked. So Wednesday, May 11, after work, I drove over the Sunshine Skyway to Nirvana…aka, Whim So Doodle for a class. I walk in the door and Amy is standing there at the cash wrap. For two seconds I was totally star stuck, something I’m not usually. After trying not to act like an idiot, I proceeded to shop a little since there was some time before class.  I picked up a few things, my favorite being this Whim So Doodle Stamp Set that Amy designed.  Isn’t it adorable? I can’t wait to break this out and use it.  (Check out the flamingo.)




The coffee cups are adorable and one of them is going to my daughter. (She has a slight addiction to her local Starbucks)

Isn’t this chalk sign adorable? I don’t know how wrote this out, but that person has some serious skills.


Class was so much fun. The kit that came with the class was awesome. image

Paint, a Tim Hotlz Detailer brush, two Amy Tangerine traveler’s notebooks, craft tags, a script booklet, plus (what you can’t see) a practice notebook and some watercolor paper.
Amy is an awesome teacher! The class was small so she got to spend some one on one time with each of us, encouraging us and showing us tip and tricks to make lettering not so stressful!

Before we got started, we all had to make a trip to the bathroom to fill up our waterbrushes. (What is it about women always going to the bathroom together?!)
You can see my attempts.

At the end, Amy was kind enough to offer to script our name or a word on one of the tags. I chose my word of the year, ‘flourish’. I love it and it is in my planner so I can see it every day.

I had so much fun, and I have decided to try more classes and to get out of my box. Thank you Whim So Doodle and Amy! Come back soon!

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