Blogmas Day 3. A Foggy Start

This morning I woke up to a rather foggy morning here in Florida. The closer I got to the river, the thicker the fog got. This above photo was taken on campus about 6:15 this morning. Yes, I was already at work. I needed to get a head start today. Anyway, our TSA kiddos came in this morning to check in and to test their bridge to see how much weight it would hold. They built it yesterday, had to let it cure and then tested it this morning. They are prepping for our state competition in February. Speaking of which, some of the weekend will be spent on registering for that event and working on a parent letter home.

After school I had an amazing facial that just made my whole month. I’ve been going to Elizabeth for a couple of years and she is awesome and such a wonderful place. Tomorrow is an early morning photoshoot at the beach and then I have some things to do around here, including cleaning out my closet. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Hope your weekend is amazing!