• Blogmas,  Daily Life,  Teaching

    Blogmas Days 13-17

    Well I didn’t plan on taking a break, but it got real busy at school trying to finish up the semester (Two half-days left!) and dealing with some kid drama, but it turned out to be a great ending to…

  • Blogmas,  Daily Life

    Re-entry- Blogmas Day 2

    After taking most of November off due to medical leave, this week back at work has been exhausting. I could go on a rant about how my kids didn’t do anything while I was out and what a mess this…

  • Blogmas,  Daily Life,  Teaching


    Well that wasn’t planned. This week turned into the week where I had something every day in the evening. Tuesday, both JV and Varsity Boys Basketball had their first games against our cross county rivals, Palmetto High School. I teach…

  • Blogmas,  Cooking,  Food


    Well, the best intentions of mice and men…. is that how the saying goes? The plan was to make my Aunt Eva’s Heavenly Hash Candy since the weather has finally decided to cooperate. And… well, see for yourself. I had…

  • Blogmas,  coffee,  Cooking,  Crafting,  Food

    Tis the season! It’s that time of year when both Blogmas and Vlogmas start popping up in feeds all over the internet. It’s been years since I’ve participated and frankly, the thought of 25 days of holiday blogging is daunting.…