
  • coffee,  Daily Life,  Diptych,  Kiki Mac Photography,  photography

    A year of Diptychs…so far

    This year I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a weekly challenge on Instagram. I figured it would be good for my creativity. For the most part, I’ve shot during the week specifically to make a diptych, but sometimes I’ve pulled from my archives to put the two photos together. I’ve only missed one week of the challenge, and that was due to being at the TSA State Conference. So why a diptych? What the heck is a diptych? A diptych is a set of two photographs used to tell a story. Below are my entries for the year…so far. I’ve posted the first nine weeks…

  • Blogmas,  coffee,  Cooking,  Crafting,  Food

    Tis the season! It’s that time of year when both Blogmas and Vlogmas start popping up in feeds all over the internet. It’s been years since I’ve participated and frankly, the thought of 25 days of holiday blogging is daunting. One, because I’m not one to overdo Christmas anything and two, well, it’s a lot of content and since I have posted exactly once this year, the odds are NOT in my favor. So, why may you asked, changed my mind? Well, I’m not sure exactly. A combo of a lot of things I suppose. Life is too short to say ‘what if’ and “I should have.” I loved blogging.…

  • coffee,  Kiki Mac Photography,  Louisiana,  NaBloPoMo,  Road Trip,  Travel

    Road Trip Part 3, Home

    After a very quick trip to New Orleans, we headed home to Dry Prong. Yep, you read that right, I am the Village of Dry Prong. When I lived there, I think the population was somewhere around 325. I think that is slightly low, but that was what was on the road sign, so who really knows. Regardless, my family is still there and I love going home when I get a chance. I know, you’re going to ask, what the heck kind of name is Dry Prong? Well, way back when the village was founded, the family that settled there accidentally set up shop on the dry prong of…

  • coffee,  Louisiana,  New Orleans,  Road Trip,  Travel

    A Much Overdue Post #2 from NOLA

    I know this is much overdue, but school started, Hurricane Irma paid a visit and quite frankly, I still haven’t found a good balance for blogging, but I’m working on it.  Anyway, when we were last together, I reviewed our fabulous hotel, The Old 77 Hotel and Chandlery. I loved it so much that I can’t wait to stay there again.  As we had less than 48 hours in the city, we had to figure out what we wanted to do and see while dodging the torrential rain that New Orleans gets every afternoon.  Amanda and I laughed and said that we were the only people who go to New…

  • coffee,  Daily Life,  Florida,  St. Petersburg

    Wired for the Weekend

    Yeah, I know, it’s Wednesday and I’m just now getting around to this post.  It’s the last day of school, so the last couple of days have been nuts of giving finals, grading finals and doing all the end of the year stuff that is part and parcel of being a teacher. I’m also moving rooms so that has been fun trying to figure our what to toss and what to take, and I still haven’t bought any boxes. I need to do that on the way home today.  Ok, so the weekend.  Most of you know that I am a volunteer photographer for Southeastern Guide Dogs and for the…