Friday Night Lights
I got to mess around with a Sigma 120-300mm lens tonight and let me tell you, it is a huge learning curve and HEAVY. Thank goodness for a monopod. SO with seven minutes to spare to get a blog post…
Wired for the Weekend
Yeah, I know, it’s Wednesday and I’m just now getting around to this post. It’s the last day of school, so the last couple of days have been nuts of giving finals, grading finals and doing all the end of…
An Artsy Afternoon in St. Pete
Last week, my inlaws came into town from Atlanta and not wanting to sit around and stare at each other all day, we took a short, 25 minute trip over the Skyway into downtown St. Petersburg to the recently opened…
The Day After (NaBloPoMo Day 9)
It’s a new day and we can make it what we want. Last night’s election has caused shock waves across the world (including my own house) but it up to us to change the status quo, for us to flip…
Random thoughts on a Sunday (NaBloPoMo Day 6)
1)Sometimes I have too much to do and then I freeze and procrastinate and then panic to get everything done. I think maybe it has something to do with working under a deadline for so many years. 2) I used…
I’m Tired, so you get a photo. NaBloPoMo Day 5
Busy day finishing up the TSA Leadership Conference, getting home, and promptly crashing on the couch. I took a two hour nap then started watching The Crown on Netflix. I’m not going to spoil it, and will do a more…
Hanging out with 26 teenagers is exhausting (NaBloPoMo Day 4)
Florida TSA Leadership Day 2. But I did reward myself with this:
10 Things About Me
My lovely daughter, has a new blog over at Peonies and Paperclips and her post today was 10 Things about Me. I had done this years ago when I had my old blog, but haven’t updated it, so since imitation…
Sneaking this one in
Getting this post in with 13 minutes to spare. Long day at work then headed to Orlando to the TSA Leadership Conference with 28 teenagers. Within five minutes of getting their keys, one entire room of boys lost all four…
NaBloPoMo What the Heck?
As it appears that I’m going months between posts, I’m am going to participate in National Blog Posting Month, otherwise known as NaBloPoMo. It’s a sister event to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWrMo). As there is no way that I’m…