Rainy Saturday.
It was a rainy Saturday here in Florida, the results of a tropical depression on the other side of the Gulf. With all the craziness going on I think we have forgotten that we are still in the middle of…
Hello October
It’s October, and in most of the US it means fall leaves, cozy sweaters, cute boots, hand knit scarves and mugs of steaming hot chocolate. In Florida it means……nothing. NOTHING! Which makes me sad. However the first day of October…
We finally had a beautiful day here on the west coast of Florida yesterday. Amanda and I took advantage and went to the local Dia de los Muertos Festival in the Village of the Arts. Their huge shrine this year…
Blogtober Recap and NaBloPoMo?
Well, October came and went…quickly. It was a crazy month for me with my very first ever trip to Washington DC. I still need to put up the second post of that trip! While I didn’t blog every day like…
Hurricane Michael, (Blogtober Day 10)
Please keep the Panhandle in your thoughts. Hurricane Michael came ashore today at nearly a Category 5 and I’m afraid that daylight is going to reveal a horrific sight. Panama City was a favorite vacation spot when my friends and…
Go Back….to the MSC Seaside (Blogtober Day 5)
I have a very long overdue blog post on our 25th Anniversary Cruise that we went on back in April. Planned and hosted by the amazing Chip Barker over at Oceans and Lands Custom Travel Planners, it was the absolute…
Photo of the Day (Blogtober Day 4)
Meet Freyja, aka Mama Freyja. She is a six year old retired breeder from Southeastern Guide Dogs. She is queen of the house and she knows it. (Taken with my iPhone X) . We brought her home at eight weeks…
- Blogtober, dog, dog photography, Florida, Kiki Mac Photography, Knitting, photography, Southeastern Guide Dogs
Ten Things About Me. (Blogtober Day 3)
Ten things about me, that are probably ten things too many. I am a Leap Year baby. Yep, born on Feb. 29, 1972 (you can do the math) I celebrate my birthday on non-Leap Years on the 28th. It causes…
Fantasy vs. Reality (blogtober day 2)
I love Fall. I love the idea of Fall. I love the crunchy leaves, I love the long sleeve shirts, I love the boots, and the scarves and the wood smoke, and the bonfires..and record scratch…..I live in Florida. Southwest…
Fall Essentials, Florida Edition
While the rest of the country gets this for Fall. Florida gets this: Yeah, I know, poor me right? But here’s the thing. I LOVE Fall. I grew up…