I never watched the original Sex and the City. Several reasons, the main one being that when they were originally, on, I didn’t have HBO. Heck, we barely had cable. The second reason was that I was a twenty-six-year-old mom with a four-year-old, in the middle of Central Louisiana, far from the bright lights of New York City. Heck, I couldn’t relate to that life, or even really imagine what that life might be like. I had barely been out of Louisiana, and even at that point, had only been to San Diego. Don’t get me wrong, over the years I could have watched it as it was released on DVD, but just never got around to it. I mean, I was very aware of it, how could you not, it was a cultural phenomenon!
Anyway, somehow I came across the sequal? Reboot? And got sucked in. In one episode, Carrie had hip surgery and as she was recovering, she had this beautiful knit shawl/blanket thing on her lap. Naturally, someone wrote up a pattern and I’m currently knitting it. I did enjoy that season and am looking forward to the new season. I may need to actually watch the orginal while waiting for the next season of And Just Like That.

I’m about half way through. It knits pretty fast as it’s knit on size 17 needles, but it does get a bit cumbersome. I purchased a kit from Jimmy Beans Wool, but it doesn’t look like they have it available any more.

In completed knitting news,I did finish the Christmas socks from the last post. I just need to get them in the mail to my sister. I also decided to do the Souper Sock Club from Coast to Coast Yarns Company My first shipment arrived today. It’s Split Pea Soup in their sock base. I’ve never knit with their yarn before, so I am excited to wind this up and get started. However, with Valentine’s Day around the corner, I think I might go stash diving and see what Valentine’s Day colorway I have.

I’ve also been into some knitting podcasts lately, next post I’ll share some of my faves as well as some of my more recent photo projects. What are you knitting, photographing or up to in general?