Daily Life,  Knitting,  NaBloPoMo,  socks,  yarn

It’s a Monday

Ever feel like something is off and you just can’t figure out what it is?  From the time I got dressed this morning, until around 7am, I just felt like something was off.  Couldn’t figure out what exactly, until I was in the teacher’s lounge, waiting to make copies while talking to Karla that I discovered it.The same shoe but in two different colors.  One navy, and one black. Now that I look at the photo, I remember why I wasn’t wearing the navy ones anymore.  They need to go in the trash.  I texted my husband, who promptly laughed at me and sent me this text:

Babe, I love ya, but I’m not blowing an hour to run you a replacement shoe.  You’re fine, just quirky!

The kids never noticed despite the fact that they will notice pretty much anything that doesn’t have to do what we are going over in class.  Maybe it had something to do with me keeping one set of lights off and hiding behind the rolling cart as I was teaching.  I really hoped that this wasn’t an indication of how the rest of my day was going to go.  Other than sending three kids out of my first period…before 8am mind you, the day flew by and now roast is in the oven per Amanda’s request.  I think I’m going to go find a skein of yarn and cast on a sock..or something easy.  I’ll post photos of that tomorrow since you know, it’s 7:00 pm and it’s pitch black outside.  


  • Aimie | Blissful Lemon

    This really made me laugh. Since you posted it, I am hoping that you are now laughing, too. In your defense, “It’s Monday” is a valid excuse for making a silly mistake like wearing two different shoes. Also, the colors aren’t THAT different, so you have that going for you as well. 🙂

  • Mind Over Meta

    Ah, that Monday feeling ha ha! I wore a top to work inside out once and noticed mid-way through the day. No one else noticed though so I’m not sure what that says about all of us!! Perhaps they just didn’t say anything to be kind to me!

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