A Snowy Sunday Part II
I had meant to post this earlier in the week, but the time got away from me. Last weekend we were in Atlanta and on Sunday, it ended up snowing! It started around 10:00 and snowed the rest of the day. We started off the day by going to Warm Waves Coffee. They were only open until 11 in anticipation of the snowy weather, so we hurried up and drove over. They were on my list to visit and I’m so glad that we managed to squeeze in a visit. We had planned to hit up more coffee places but managed to get to Valor Coffee and this one. I…
It’s been a day….Blogmas Day 8
Pandemic teaching is a lot. Some days are better than others. Today, the kids were fine, it’s admin that’s driving me nuts. You win some, you lose some. So, not to dwell two much on the negative, I present to you some of my sweet girl Idunn (pronounced Eden). She is looking at me over the ottoman because there’s a tennis ball under there that she wants me to get for her, despite the fact that are at least 10 other tennis balls scattered around. She turned 8 on Sunday and is my shadow. When I was home for most of November, she wouldn’t leave my si
Rainy Saturday.
It was a rainy Saturday here in Florida, the results of a tropical depression on the other side of the Gulf. With all the craziness going on I think we have forgotten that we are still in the middle of hurricane season. Idunn kept me company while I worked on an assignment that I have due on Monday. It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow and most of the week. The upside is that it should be cooler.
Tuesday Takeover (Blogtober Day 9)
Hey Y’all, I am the first Tuesday Takeover at A Gal’s Best Friend. Click on that link and take a look. It’s all about raising Puppies with a Purpose. See ya over there!
Weekending (Blogtober Days 6 &7)
I was remiss in posting yesterday, but hopefully this will make up for it. I shot Puppy Raiser Day at Southeastern Guide Dogs yesterday. Puppy Raiser day happens with a dog is matched with a handler and the people that raised the dog gets to come meet the new handler and see the pup that they raised. Here Mendy (on the right) is looking down at Wrigley, a Golden Retriever, that she raised. To the left is Wrigley’s new handler. They became fast friends and I know they will continue to stay in contact. Today, I met up…
Raise a Puppy, Change a Life
In nearly two years of photographing Puppy Raiser Day, this is probably the one photo that truly defined for me why we raise puppies. If you raise puppies as well and you will like to make your life easier you should get a pet auto feeder that will provide the food to your puppies when needed. I know we talk about the want a puppy/need a puppy, but today, this sweet lady was crying before she even got to Carol and Bob. Carol got up and hugged her and they stood that way for several moments with her just crying. All I could hear was ‘thank you’ or ‘thankful’, I…