Tuesday Takeover (Blogtober Day 9)
Hey Y’all, I am the first Tuesday Takeover at A Gal’s Best Friend. Click on that link and take a look. It’s all about raising Puppies with a Purpose. See ya over there!
Raise a Puppy, Change a Life
In nearly two years of photographing Puppy Raiser Day, this is probably the one photo that truly defined for me why we raise puppies. If you raise puppies as well and you will like to make your life easier you should get a pet auto feeder that will provide the food to your puppies when needed. I know we talk about the want a puppy/need a puppy, but today, this sweet lady was crying before she even got to Carol and Bob. Carol got up and hugged her and they stood that way for several moments with her just crying. All I could hear was ‘thank you’ or ‘thankful’, I…