Crafting,  Daily Life,  Knitting

We’ll see how this goes.

Twelve years ago, this blog started out as a knitting blog. Over the years I’ve developed other hobbies, but  I’ve continued to knit. I also went through a phase where I listened to podcasts, then I stopped, but within the last year started up again.  One of the reasons is because I got a new car that has the ability to stream audio from my phone, and as radio gets boring on the commute to work, I started listening to various podcasts again. I’ve mainly listened to knitting podcasts, and that has jump started my knitting.  One of the podcasts I listen to is The Knitmore Girls. One of the ongoing knit alongs they have is Operation Sock Drawer.  I love knitting socks, and I need new ones because the dogs have decided that my hand knit socks are their favorite toys.  I found that out in the move when Idunn would find them and run around the house with them.   As a result, one or two were lost to collateral damage.  I have a goal of knitting a pair of socks a month to end up with with twelve pair by the end of the year. As I’m a month behind already, I think I have a couple of single socks that suffer from Second Sock Syndrome, so I’ll pull one of those out and knit the second sock.  I picked through the stash and found skeins for the next three months.  I close Truffles from Claudia Handpainted Yarns for February. It reminded me  of Valentine’s Day, Twinkle Lights from Knitterly Things for March.  I know this was dyed for the Christmas season, but I think that the colors just shout “Spring is coming!”  and then on the far right is some Sweet Georgia Tough Love sock yarn in Snapdragon. I’ve had this skein forever, so it will be great to finally knit this up.  I have cast on for the February socks and have the cuff knit for the first one.  I scoured Ravelry  and found a fairly easy pattern, Petty Harbor, that I hope won’t get lost in the varigation in the yarn.  I’ll post KIP photos in the next post. I also have two other WIPs, that I will post as well.  I’m working on Bifrost by Cate Carter-Evans  and Yowza! by Susan B. Anderson . I’ll have photos of those two.  Most of this knitting won’t get a lot of use until this time next year as by the time I’m finished, it will be 90 degrees here!   Are you doing Operation Sock Drawer, or any other knit along?  If you are, leave your comments below.



  • sprite

    I’m not doing Operation Sock Drawer (in part because as all the knitting podcasts I used to listen to folded, I never added new ones, leaving me just with CraftLit and Stash and Burn), but I am in a Ravelry group where I claim I’m going to finish 26 pairs of socks over the course of the year. We won’t go into how far behind I am in that goal…

    I will say that your sock yarn is beautiful, and I look forward to seeing the new socks-in-progress and FOs.

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